About Us!

United by a shared passion for excellence and collaboration. Founded in 2010 by Young Chartered Accountancy Students with the vision of empowering individuals in the field of accountancy, we provide a dynamic platform where professionals can connect, learn, and grow together.

  • Commitment to fostering networking opportunities

  • Facilitating professional development and promoting ethical practices

  • Destination for professionals seeking to elevate their careers

Our diverse membership base spans across the globe, bringing together professionals from various backgrounds and disciplines, enriching our community with unique perspectives and insights. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career in accounting, Annoor Forum welcomes you to join us on a journey of continuous learning, meaningful connections, and professional growth.

Benefits of Joining Us

Meet Our Council Members

muhammad osama
aca, fcca

US Accounting Manager – Nisum

Forum President

ahmed raza parekh
aca, cia

CFO – Ismail Industries Ltd.

former president
farhan iqbal

CFO – ACT Group

former president
Muhammad Rohaib

Deputy Manager Finance – EverGreen Line

former president

The Cabinet Members 2021 – 2024